
The Fantastic Health Benefits of Fiber

We all know fiber is good for us. It helps “move things along.” It aids in satiety, making you feel full longer. And the latest research suggests that getting plenty of fiber may not only stave off type 2 diabetes but also improve blood sugar levels in those already diagnosed with the disease.

Apples may come to mind when you’re thinking high-fiber foods. And with 5 grams in each medium-sized piece of fruit, they’re not a bad choice. (Don’t forget to eat the skin!) However, there are a number of other delicious and healthy high-fiber foods out there. Here’s a list of some of my favorites. 

1 cup beans (12-15 grams, depending on variety)
1 medium-sized avocado (11.84 grams)
1 cup raspberries (8.34 grams)
1 cup soybeans (7.62 grams)
1 cup cooked kale (7.20 grams)
½ medium grapefruit (6.12 grams)
1 cup cooked sweet potato (5.94 grams)

Source: Common Sense Health Web site

While all of these foods contain appreciable amounts of fiber, my number one recommendation is freshly ground flax seed. In addition to providing 11 grams of fiber per quarter-cup, flax is also a great source of protective lignans and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It has impressive cholesterol-lowering benefits as well.

A few years ago, Beverly M. had a cholesterol level of 307. She read about my recommendations for lowering cholesterol in my newsletter, Health & Healing, and began taking flax seed. Within six months, her cholesterol fell to 206. As she says, “It sure beats Pravachol [a statin drug] with all its side effects at over a hundred dollars a prescription.”

Just buy a cheap coffee grinder , and grind up ¼-cup of flax seeds a day. Mix  in water and drink quickly (it thickens upon standing), or sprinkle on salads, soups, or other foods. You’re bound to notice the benefits soon after adopting this healthy practice.

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