The Mini-Fast Diet
Dr. Whitaker’s most recent book, The Mini-Fast Diet, introduces readers to what he considers to be the most innovative, successful, and easy-to-follow weight loss program ever. Why? Because it selectively burns fat—and it’s benefits go beyond shedding pounds. The Mini-Fast Diet also helps reverse metabolic syndrome, lowers lipids, blood sugar, and blood pressure, and reduces risk of serious disease.
Dr. Whitaker’s Master Guide to Nutritional Supplementation
This book is a must-read for anyone interested in treating common health problems with non-drug therapies. It is an up-to-date resource on the use, safety, and efficacy of nutritional supplements that includes potential nutrient-drug interactions, advice on how to evaluate supplement quality, and specific supplement recommendations for 80 different health challenges.
Reversing Diabetes
Reversing Diabetes has enabled hundreds of thousands of people with type 2 diabetes to control their condition, naturally and effectively, with diet, exercise, and targeted nutritional supplements. This book also discusses therapies that help stave off or treat diabetic complications. It is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program to keep you on course for the rest of your life.
Reversing Diabetes Cookbook
Diet is a big part of diabetes control, and this cookbook offers more than 200 tantalizing, kitchen-tested recipes to help reduce and even eliminate, dependence on insulin and oral drugs. These delicious recipes are not just for people with diabetes but for anyone who wants to lose weight, reduce risk of disease, and engender optimal health.
Reversing Heart Disease
Dr. Whitaker exposes the pitfalls of conventional medicine’s approach to cardiovascular disease, with its dependence on medications and overuse of angioplasty and bypass surgery, while offering practical solutions for reducing risk factors for heart disease. This book includes tips for adopting a safe and therapeutic exercise program, a heart-healthy diet (complete with recipes), and specific nutritional supplement recommendations. Dr. Whitaker also writes about the noninvasive therapies used at the Whitaker Wellness Institute to improve cardiovascular health.
Reversing Hypertension
In this complete guide to reducing hypertension for life, Dr. Whitaker shows you what causes blood pressure to rise and how to bring it down to normal levels. He also advises how to prevent and reverse hypertension by combining healthy lifestyle changes with safe, proven alternative therapies.
Dr. Whitaker’s Guide to Natural Healing
Dr. Whitaker covers a broad range of health conditions and gives readers specific solutions for strengthening the immune system, coping more effectively with stress, preventing strokes, lowering high blood pressure, protecting against cancer, maintaining a healthy weight, and much more. He shows how you can prevent and treat many health problems yourself the natural way.
Shed 10 Years in 10 Weeks
Based on advanced scientific research and the clinical experiences of thousands of Dr. Whitaker’s patients, Shed 10 Years in 10 Weeks is a remarkable, step-by-step program that shows you how to strip away the wear and tear of aging.
The Whitaker Wellness Weight Loss Program
Whether you want to lose weight or just want to eat better, this book will be a tremendous help to you. Very practical and easy to read, this program outlines the rationale behind low-glycemic index eating. It includes three weeks of meals and recipes, along with exercise tips and advice on nutritional supplements for weight loss.
One-Stop Shop for Wellness and Dr. Whitaker Books
Renowned physician, author, and speaker, Julian Whitaker, MD, opened the doors of the Whitaker Wellness Institute in 1979. Since then, our clinic has helped more than 45,000 patients overcome serious health challenges and get back on the road to healthy living. We’re proud to offer nearly two dozen safe, innovative, healing therapies under one roof—that’s more than any other facility in the northern hemisphere. Just think of us as your “one-stop shop for wellness.”
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