
Type 2 Diabetes

Treating Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

When Bishop Theodore Kirkland first arrived at the Whitaker Wellness Institute, he was 70 pounds overweight and taking a fistful of prescription medications as treatments for type 2 diabetes and related issues. He was also afflicted with a severely infected foot, which is a common complication of type 2 diabetes. He’d tried conventional wound care, but that approach was unsuccessful and he was facing amputation. So as a last-ditch effort to save his foot, he came to see us.

Naturally Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Our approach to naturally treating type 2 diabetes and Bishop Kirkland’s very serious complications began with covering his open, festering wound with sugar and bandaging it up. In place of his diabetes medications, we started him on an intensive regimen of vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. We also prescribed a diet to regulate his blood sugar levels and kick-start weight loss.

That was nearly 25 years ago, and Theodore Kirkland still comes to the clinic a few times a year. He walks in on his own two feet, his blood sugar and weight are under control, and he has avoided the complications that often plague people with a long history of type 2 diabetes.

Now for the sad part of this story. Bishop Kirkland had a brother who also had type 2 diabetes. His brother decided to stick with the treatments prescribed by his conventional physicians, who completely dismissed the idea of controlling infections with sugar and glucose levels with diet, exercise, weight loss, and nutritional supplements. He was a very sick man who suffered with neuropathy and kidney disease, endured several amputations, and passed away in his early 60s from diabetes-related complications.

Two brothers with almost identical health challenges, markedly different treatment decisions for their type 2 diabetes—and completely opposite outcomes.

Infections Related to Type 2 Diabetes: Sugar or Conventional Care?

Both Bishop Kirkland and his brother had serious, non-healing ulcers on their feet. Nerve damage and poor circulation make this a very common complication of type 2 diabetes and increases risk of lower limb amputation 40-fold.

Conventional wound care—a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry—requires repeat debridement (painful scraping away of damaged and infected tissue) along with oral, topical, and/or intravenous antibiotics. Unfortunately, these interventions are often ineffective, as diabetic amputation rates clearly demonstrate.

Nevertheless, most physicians turn a blind eye to the inexpensive, painless wound-healing protocol we’ve been successfully using at Whitaker Wellness for decades. It seems counterintuitive, but sugar (or honey, which works in the same way) is far more effective at controlling local infection than any antibiotic. As sugar dissolves in the fluid produced by a wound, it creates an osmotic environment that kills all bacteria—like a goldfish in the Great Salt Lake, no bacteria can survive in a wound filled with sugar. It also encourages natural debridement and stimulates tissue repair.

Hundreds of other patients with type 2 diabetes who, like Bishop Kirkland, were facing amputation have come to Whitaker Wellness as a last resort—and left with first-rate results, rapid healing, minimal scarring, and limbs intact.

Treating Type 2 Diabetes: Supplements or Drugs?

I also started Bishop Kirkland on high doses of a broad range of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements, and I am convinced that his compliance with this regimen is a primary reason he has fared so well over the years. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by increased urination, which is inevitably accompanied by a loss of vital nutrients. Among them are vitamins and minerals that help curb oxidative stress and other destructive processes that run rampant when blood sugar levels are high.

Multiple studies show that treating type 2 diabetes naturally by supplementing with magnesium, chromium, zinc, alpha lipoic acid, benfotiamine, vitamins C, D, E, B-complex, and other nutrients protects against the development and progression of diabetic complications. Yet physicians rarely recommend nutritional supplements. This is a glaring and dangerous blind spot in conventional medicine.

Another major concern when it comes to treating type 2 diabetes is the singular focus on bringing down blood sugar with prescription drugs—while ignoring their serious side effects. With the exception of metformin, all diabetes drugs are linked with weight gain, and this makes blood sugar control all the more challenging. The worst culprit? Insulin, which is used by about a quarter of people with type 2 diabetes.

But weight gain is only the beginning. Thiazolidinediones (Actos and Avandia) have significant adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and are associated with anemia, bladder cancer, fractures, and macular edema. Sulfonylureas increase risk of cardiovascular events and mortality. These drugs (glyburideglimepiride, and glipizide) were recently shown in a study involving nearly 24,000 diabetics to raise risk of death by 59–68 percent, compared with metformin. And although metformin is the best of the bunch, it depletes the body of vitamin B12 and may cause lactic acidosis, especially in those with kidney disease or heart failure.

In place of these medications—which we discontinue in virtually all patients with type 2 diabetes at Whitaker Wellness—we use vanadyl sulfate, berberine, chromium, cinnamon, vinegar, and other natural compounds that lower blood sugar without compromising overall health.

Lifestyle Changes—or a Dire Future?

Of course, Bishop Kirkland was also instructed in the particulars of a low-glycemic, high-fiber diet and, once his foot healed, an exercise program—basic requirements for treating type 2 diabetes and regaining and maintaining optimal health. But far too many patients and physicians are ignoring the basics.

Experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predict that at the rate we’re going, fully half of all adults in this country will develop some degree of diabetes by 2020. Currently 29 million Americans have full-blown diabetes and 86 million more are headed that direction.

The solution isn’t going to come from Big Pharma, government bans on large sodas, or Obamacare. The only way to hold back this rising tide is for individuals like you to adopt a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and take responsibility for your health. If you already have type 2 diabetes, I urge you to take action today. Diabetes will chew you up if you sit back and allow it to happen. It’s too late for Bishop Kirkland’s brother, but it’s not too late for you or your loved ones.

Recap: Treating Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

Read this blog post for step-by-step instructions on treating open wounds with sugar.

Look for a potent multivitamin and a supplement targeting blood sugar health online or in your local health food store. The suggested doses of recommended supplements, taken daily in divided doses, are: magnesium 500–1,000 mg, zinc 30 mg, folic acid 800–5,000 mcg, B6 75 mg, B12 150 mcg, vitamin C 1,000 mg, vitamin D 2,000–5,000 IU, vitamin E 200–400 IU, benfotiamine 300 mg, alpha lipoic acid 800–1,200 mg, vanadyl sulfate 100 mg, berberine 1,500 mg, chromium 200–400 mcg, cinnamon 1,000–2,000 mg.

To learn more about the Whitaker Wellness Institute’s protocol for treating type 2 diabetes naturally, fill out this form for a complimentary consultation with one of our friendly and knowledgeable Patient Services Representatives, call 866-642-1018, or click here.



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