
Quick Tips for Improving Your Metabolism

Metabolism, strictly speaking, refers to the chemical processes that keep us alive, and this includes the breakdown and processing of nutrients from the food we eat and their transformation into energy. Metabolic rate—the amount of energy expended—differs from person to person and is influenced by a number of factors, such as genetics, body composition, hormones, and gender.

If you have a fast metabolic rate, you may be one of the lucky ones who can eat whatever you want without gaining a pound. However, a sluggish metabolism can make weight loss and even maintaining normal weight an epic battle. But even if you haven’t been blessed with a perky metabolic rate, there are several steps you can take to boost your metabolism naturally. Here are some of my favorites.

Get Your Exercise
You probably know that your metabolism shifts into high gear while you are exercising. But did you know that your metabolic rate remains elevated even after you kick off your walking shoes and collapse on the sofa? Studies have shown that regular exercise resets your body’s thermostat for hours after you stop exercising—which is precisely what you want. Shoot for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity, three to five days a week.

Build More Muscle
You can increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR)—the number of calories you burn at rest to increase respiration, heartbeat, circulation, body temperature, and other vital activities—by building more muscle. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your BMR and the more calories you burn, even when you’re at rest. To build muscle and, in the process, boost your BMR, it’s important to include strength training in your exercise regimen.

H2O to the Rescue
Water is a crucial element for sustaining all the body’s processes. When you’re dehydrated, everything slows down, including the burning of calories for energy. To keep your metabolic rate on an even keel, aim for at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of pure, filtered water each day. Try drinking a glass before each meal as well. This aids in appetite control as well as keeping you hydrated.

Drink Coffee or Tea
Caffeine is a natural, mild thermogenic agent that facilitates fatty acid metabolism, i.e., fat burning. — Although most people who drink coffee or tea have a cup or two in the mornings to help perk them up, I also drink it before exercising. That’s because, in addition to mobilizing fat and boosting metabolism, caffeine also enhances endurance. For these—and caffeine’s many other well-studied benefits—I recommend regular consumption of coffee and tea to all of my patients.

One More Factor to Consider
If you are following a healthy diet and exercise plan, using the metabolism boosters mentioned above, and still not losing weight, you may need to take a look at your thyroid function. If you exhibit other symptoms of hypothyroidism—fatigue, cold hands and feet, dry skin, hair loss and/or constipation—talk to your doctor about a trial of natural thyroid.

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