
Lose Weight and Regenerate

Lose Weight and Regenerate

Julian Whitaker, MD

Most of the patients who come to the Whitaker Wellness Institute list weight loss as one of their main health goals. Here are a few simple guidelines to help you shed excess pounds and rejuvenate in the process.

Eat, Exercise, and Check Your Hormones

First and most obvious, you need to eat higher quality food, and you need to eat less of it. You know that cookies, breads, and starches such as French fries and pasta are your enemies. You also know that lean protein, salads, and high-fiber vegetables are your friends. If you eat like this, you will lose weight.

Second, you have to exercise. Exercise plays an integral role in weight control. The best way to get and stay active is to start walking. Resistance training (weight lifting) is also crucial. Muscle burns fat, and the more you have, the faster you’re going to lose weight.

Third, you should have your hormones checked. Age-related declines in hormone levels can contribute to weight gain. Here at the clinic, we routinely measure thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progester­one, and growth hormone levels. In many cases, using natural hormone replacement to correct hormone imbalances solves a lot of problems.

Taming the Raging Appetite

Fourth and perhaps most important, you need to control appetite. Nobody wants to be fat—obesity destroys self-image and accelerates virtually all serious degenerative diseases. So why is it such a pervasive problem? The answer is appetite. As the sheer magnitude of obesity in this country testifies, taming appetite requires something other than discipline.

I’m constantly on the lookout for techniques to curb appetite, and I’ve written about many of them over the years. The combination of ephedra and caffeine works particularly well. Unfortunately, misguided politicians in Washington banned ephedra a few years ago based on flimsy, circumstantial evidence of its “dangers,” taking away one of our best-studied therapies for weight loss.

Glucomannan, a fiber supplement taken before meals, fills you up so you eat less. Alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant, suppresses hunger when taken in large doses. EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a green tea polyphenol, reduces appetite and increases metabolic rate. Hoodia gordonii, from an African succulent, has been shown to dramatically cut caloric intake. There’s also 5-HTP, an amino acid that reduces carbohydrate cravings. Finally, Irvingia gabonensis is a very promising supplement that not only reins in appetite and fights obesity, but also helps control diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

How to Stay on Track

The final thing you need to achieve your weight loss goals is structure. You need a program to follow. You need a mentor to monitor your progress. You need feedback on your success—or lack thereof—so your program can be altered to better suit you.

Of course you can do this on your own, but like a football team without a coach, you’re much less likely to succeed. We recognize the importance of that support here at the clinic, which is why we’ve developed our TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) program.

It contains all of the elements necessary for success: evaluation of hormones and metabolic problems, nutritional support, a therapeutic diet with protein-rich meal replacement drinks, and an exercise program. But perhaps the most integral aspect of the program is that patients communicate with their TLC educator on a regular basis to discuss their progress, hash out solutions to stumbling blocks, and get ongoing assistance and encouragement.

They Lost Weight and You Can, Too

We’ve had excellent success with the TLC program. Ken lost 160 pounds and got off multiple drugs. Mark lost 140 pounds and said goodbye to numerous health problems. Elizabeth lost 30 pounds and was radiant on her wedding day. Sue’s weight loss was less dramatic, but she, too, was ecstatic.

You can go it alone and do this at home. But if you are serious about losing weight permanently, you need to incorporate all of the steps discussed in this article. If you would like our help, give us a call.


  • Suggested doses of the supplements discussed above are glucomannan, 1–2 g, 20–30 minutes before meals with lots of water; alpha lipoic acid, 200–300 mg, 2–3 times a day; EGCG, 1,000–1,500 mg of a potent standardized extract; Hoodia gordonii, 30 mg twice a day (or as directed, depending on the brand); 5-HTP, 50–100 mg between meals. Irvingia gabonensis should be used as directed.
  • To learn more about how you can lose weight and rejuvenate with the Whitaker Wellness Institute’s TLC program, call (866) 944-8253.
    For a detailed diet and exercise regimen, read my book The Whitaker Wellness Weight Loss Program, available in bookstores, online, or by calling (800) 810-6655.


  • Ngondi JL, et al. The use of Irvingia gabonensis extract (IGOB131) in the management of metabolic syndrome in Cameroon. Nutrition J. 2008. (submitted)

Modified from Health & Healing with permission from Healthy Directions, LLC. Photocopying, reproduction, or quotation strictly prohibited without written permission from the publisher. To subscribe to Health & Healing, click here.

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