
Eradicate Pain With This Innovative Therapy

We’re able to help patients get an even better handle on pain with the latest therapy added to our pain treatment arsenal: high-intensity laser.

Early in 2011, my wife and I were having dinner with another couple when the man mentioned that he had been treated by a chiropractor with a new type of laser that completely and rapidly alleviated his back pain. I’m always on the lookout for new therapies to share with Health & Healing subscribers and add to the Whitaker Wellness Institute’s treatment protocols, so I made an appointment right away.

He told me he was the first practitioner in the US to acquire this high-intensity laser, which is used extensively in Italy, and he reported on his success with thousands of patients he has treated for acute and chronic pain in the back, neck, TMJ, shoulders, knees, carpal tunnel, and other areas.

His clientele includes a number of professional athletes and sports teams who swear by this therapy. A sprained ankle, for example, can take a team member out of commission for three or four weeks. With high-intensity laser therapy, however, they’re routinely back in action in 7 to 12 days.

So I began treatment on my back pains of my own and noticed immediate improvements. More important, benefits were cumulative. Relief lasted longer and longer between sessions and I was eventually able to get out of bed with no pain! I’m not saying that I don’t have an occasional ache, but because I get a “refresher treatment” a few times a month, I am confident that my mornings of being doubled over with back pain are long gone.

My experience and subsequent research convinced me that this laser could help our patients who suffer with acute or chronic pain. So we purchased a high-intensity laser for the clinic and are now using it to treat all manner of musculoskeletal pain.

Duane developed pain in his elbow while repainting his house. When it failed to resolve after four months, he came to the clinic, where he was diagnosed with epicondylitis—or tennis elbow—and prescribed one of our most effective pain-relieving therapies. After two treatments, his pain vanished.

Sue injured her lower back in a fall two years ago and began having sciatica about a year later. It really acted up while she was on vacation—walking on the sand caused excruciating, lingering discomfort. So she came to the clinic for this remarkable therapy. Two sessions later, her back pain and the sciatica in her right leg were gone.

R.J.’s back discomfort, which he’d been suffering with for six months, and Jim’s shoulder pain also resolved after a handful of treatments.

And Pierre? This active and fit 67-year-old underwent this therapy to get him in MARATHON shape. (Read his full story here.)

What is High-Intensity Laser?

This innovative treatment utilizes extremely high-energy wavelengths of light that penetrate deep to the injured cells. As the damaged cells absorb this light, their metabolism and energy production is boosted stimulating rapid tissue repair.

High-intensity laser therapy also has “photochemical” effects that trigger the lymphatic system and substantially reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. It boasts an analgesic effect on nerve endings that amplifies pain relief. And because the high intensity of this laser slightly (yet comfortably) raises the temperature of deep tissues, microcirculation increases and tissues receive much-needed oxygen and nutrients that facilitate healing.

Click here to learn more about High-Intensity Laser.

If you have back pain, knee pain, or any other type of chronic discomfort, consider trying high-intensity laser therapy before turning to dangerous medications or invasive procedures. For a complimentary consultation with a Patient Services Representative, click here or call (866) 611-3720.


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