
Tips for a Bug-Free Summer

Summer is officially here. And along with the family picnics, friendly barbeques, and outdoor fun come the annoying bites and stings of mosquitoes, fleas, and other insects. Instead of reaching for chemical-laden bug repellents these next few months, try some of the solutions below.

A number of essential oils have proven to be effective natural insect repellants. Some of my favorites are lemon eucalyptus, neem, lemongrass, cedar, and citronella. Sprays that combine a number of these ingredients are available in most health food stores or from online retailers. You can also experiment with making your own concoctions at home.

If you’re thinking that electronic “bug zappers” are a viable option, think again. Research has proven that these contraptions are a dangerous source of airborne bacteria. They cause insects to explode, scattering bits of bugs and their germs six feet or more. Furthermore, most of the flying insects that fall prey to these zappers aren’t even the biting kind, and studies have shown that billions of insects that actually benefit humans may be killed each year by these devices.

Instead, get rid of known bug magnets. Eliminate sources of stagnant standing water. Be sure to change birdbaths, wading pools, and pet bowls often. You should also consider making yourself less appealing to bugs. Drinking beer, wearing perfume, and eating Limburger cheese all attract mosquitoes.

The rest of these suggestions are more anecdotal than clinical but a few of my patients and plenty of stories on the Internet back their success. The first is Avon’s Skin-So-Soft Bath Oil. Rubbed full-strength on the skin, it reportedly wards off mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests. Marigolds planted around your yard are also supposed to be a good insect deterrent. Finally, though there’s little scientific evidence to support it, many people swear that taking 100 mg of vitamin B1 (thiamine) daily stops mosquitoes from biting. 

If you have suggestions of your own for keeping bugs at bay, please leave your comments on this blog. I’d love to hear from you!

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