
Vitamin E for Diabetes

More bad news about Avandia, a popular drug prescribed to patients with diabetes. Several studies have found that, compared to other drugs, Avandia increases risk of heart failure by 60 percent, heart attack by 40 percent, and death in patients age 65 and over by 30 percent. We’ve known for some time that this drug is killing people, but the FDA has refused to even strengthen its label warning, let alone take it off the market. Even worse, patients are being recruited for long-term studies of this dangerous drug!

If you have type 2 diabetes, avoid this drug like the plague. Diet, exercise, weight loss, and targeted nutritional supplements are the best way to control blood sugar. And to protect against diabetic complications, nothing beats nutritional supplements. Approximately 40 percent of people with diabetes have a gene variation (haptoglobin (Hp) 2-2 gene) that increases oxidative stress and doubles or triples their risk of cardiovascular disease. Israeli researchers found that when these people took 400 IU of vitamin E daily, their risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, and death fell by 50 percent! Vitamin E’s benefits were so profound the study was terminated early so all study participants could benefit.

Genetic tests are available, but my recommendation to anyone with diabetes is to take at least 400 IU of natural vitamin E every day. In fact, because other studies suggest that this vitamin protects against the onset of diabetes, I encourage everyone, regardless of health status, to take natural vitamin E.

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